Neostory Open Science

(Ch. 2.2.3) Interethnic Relations in Contemporary History (ca. 1900–2000)

Jaroslav Ira and Erika Szívós were my co-authors in writing the chapter Interethnic Relations in Contemporary History (ca. 1900–2000), which is part of the European history textbook The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe (edited by Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal and Andrew Tompkins). Please…Weiterlesen(Ch. 2.2.3) Interethnic Relations in Contemporary History (ca. 1900–2000)

Neostory Open Science

(Ch. 2.1.3) Demographic Change in Contemporary History (ca. 1900–2000)

Together with Gábor Koloh and Jakub Rákosník, I co-authored the chapter Demographic Change in Contemporary History (ca. 1900–2000), which is part of the European history textbook The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe (edited by Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal and Andrew Tompkins). Please find…Weiterlesen(Ch. 2.1.3) Demographic Change in Contemporary History (ca. 1900–2000)

Neostory Open Science

The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500-2000

Today, an email by one of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s coordinators of the project Teaching European History in the 21st Century (2019-2022) reminded the contributors from Berlin of the project’s main result: the textbook The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500-2000, funded by the European Commission, is out. It was published very recently,…WeiterlesenThe European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500-2000


Theorien & Methoden (2): Zeitenwende, Metamorphose der Welt und Anthropozän

„(…) wir sind uns nicht sicher über die Beschaffenheit oder, besser, die Konsistenz der Welt, in der wir handeln sollen. Sie ist uns fremd geworden. Wir sind buchstäblich „nicht mehr bei uns“. Ungeachtet der Bewegungen und Gegenbewegungen der vorangegangenen Epochen kann man sagen, dass sie „wussten, wo sie hingehen“, da sie sich modernisierten.“

(Bruno Latour und Nikolaj Schultz)WeiterlesenTheorien & Methoden (2): Zeitenwende, Metamorphose der Welt und Anthropozän


Theorien & Methoden (1): Wendezeiten, Regression und Neopopulismus

„Das 20. Jahrhundert, das mit futuristischen Utopien begann, endete in Nostalgie.“

(Svetlana Boym)WeiterlesenTheorien & Methoden (1): Wendezeiten, Regression und Neopopulismus

Open Science

In the following posts on Open Science (1.4)

In analogy to the workshop structure, chapters 2 and 3 of this essay will concentrate on some of the theoretical, historical, legal and political background of Open Science. Chapters 4 and 5 offer more practical insights and reflections of my own and other bloggers‘ experiences with Science Blogs and Open Science projects. I will start (2.1) with a…WeiterlesenIn the following posts on Open Science (1.4)

Open Science

New and old norms of publishing (1.3)

Science Blogging and Open Science is a broad field which offers vast opportunities for publishing, creativity and networking. But, in addition to the above mentioned barriers, the field is also burdened with numerous additional challenges and obstacles for contemporary students and researchers. Many of these have to do with a collision of traditional norms and publishing standards on…WeiterlesenNew and old norms of publishing (1.3)

Open Science

The three dimensions of Bildung/education (1.2)

Given the processual character of this learning relationship and process, but also due to my broader understanding of (autodidactical) education and life long learning, I would like to distinguish two sides of the same coin, called Bildung in German: first, there is knowledge, information, and thought on one side. This is the side where theory, background information, history,…WeiterlesenThe three dimensions of Bildung/education (1.2)

Open Science

Science Blogging in the humanities: an improvable relationship? (1.1)

In this blog post series, I will try to summarize some of my most important learning experiences on Science Blogging and Open Science. The following posts second a first workshop on the same topic, which I offered, recently, at the Southeast European Studies Student Symposium (1.4.2023, online).1As a sidenote, this is also the reason why I…WeiterlesenScience Blogging in the humanities: an improvable relationship? (1.1)

Open Science

Workshop on Science Blogging at the Southeast European Studies Student Symposium (1. April 2023)

The organizers of the Southeast European Studies Student Symposium (31.3.-1.4.2023) from the Fachschaft Südost at Universität Regensburg invited me to prepare a workshop on Science Blogging. I am already excited by the prospect to meet young researchers on next Saturday (1. April). In the workshop, we can share experiences and discuss various aspects of Open Science. WeiterlesenWorkshop on Science Blogging at the Southeast European Studies Student Symposium (1. April 2023)