Perspectives Southeastern Europe is a publication series of the Southeastern Europe offices of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. The focus is on Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the foundation has established offices. The new volume titeld The Past is now – Politics of Denial and Dealing with the Past in the Western Balkans was just…WeiterlesenThe Past is now – Politics of Denial and Dealing with the Past in the Western Balkans (Perspectives No. 10, May 2023)
Schlagwort: Populismus
Keywords Neo-Populism; Populism; City Diplomacy; Turkey; Bosnia; Public Diplomacy; Sibling Cities Recommended form of citation Schad, Thomas. (2021) Illiberal city diplomacy: Turkish-Bosnian sibling cities and the unfolding of cross-border neo-populism, Inkubator Metamorph, 31 July. Available at: (Accessed: Date of access). Table of contents 1. Introduction: Can networks of local governments challenge the rise of cross-border…WeiterlesenIlliberal city diplomacy: Turkish-Bosnian sibling cities and the unfolding of cross-border neo-populism